
answers for the questions (the questions which I posted previous post)

DCU Language Serices - Translation, Interpreting, Assessment, Subtitling, Transcription, Proof Reading. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2016, from https://dculs.dcu.ie/translation/the-economic-impact-of-monolingualism-on-businesses/

Japan is Going English(n.d.). Retrieved june 29, 2016, from
Rakuten’s English Policy: Just Speak It. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2012/06/29/rakutens-english-policy-just-speak-it/

1, Does making English as official language have impact on how company earn money??

 In this article the author is trying to tell us that, since English became the center of global language mainly in market, trading, politics and so on, English is taking very important role in company’s income. 
 However, the author is alarming that, in current world situation, English are considered as a most important language. 
 By this, some people claim that if they know English, it is perfect and we don't have to learn another languages. However, it is really wrong idea for people to think like this.
 Since, in the future, there will be a time when almost every people can speak English.
According to the author “If competence in English becomes a pre-requisite for working in business, native English speakers will no longer have the competitive edge they currently hold.”
What does this mean for us mainly Japanese??
The answer is easy. It is desirable making English as official language because people could learn both language at the same time mainly, new generation, young children. Of course. Other genarations too.
Doing that kind of policy allows us to succeed in the situation as the author of this passage had said. In other word, people can make a presence in the world market, since they can talk more than two Language. the companies all over the world want those people who are more competent than others.

It means that more competent in language you are, you would be chosen by those big companies.

you would be wanted to be hired by lots of famous companies.

Analitics of this article.

I think this article is providing good ground for us to think about English which overwhelming today's world. This article is discussing mainly future problems( in the situation where all people are competent in English, so it gives us a good opportunity to look at how future global language would look like since almost all the articles are only concerned about current situation.


2,Will it boost economic situation????

In this article, the author is supporting his opinion, making English as an official language in Japan, which would contribute to the Japan prospect in the world.

He gave an example of Singapore, a country where the English is one of their official languages. Because Singapore grew up dramatically and mikitani insists that it is because of people’s Competency of commanding English.

These days, he mentioned, in his company, lots of clients are from other countries and there is great demand of proficiency in English to success in the market.
Therefore, his idea is that Japan should make English as their offices language since it is a must to overwhelm the world.

I agree with his Opinion.

Japanese economy and political role are debasing since the global language became English. Lots of Japanese are not competent in English now so it would lead to the Japan's lower position in the world.

In addition, suggesting my opinion, the separation of field of study made it Japanese not to be good at foreign language. Most of Japanese people tend to be satisfied with learning one specific subject, for example, learning only engineering, is enough. However, watching foreign companies and countries, they don't have an idea like that, since they know that it would not lead to them to the success.

I don't know why they think like this, but for this problem, I think making English as one of the Official languages is crucial. Japanese people would realize how language is important to communicate, that is, to succeed at global level.

 I think this resource is creditable one since it is from LinkedIn page, mikitani comment. Terefore, there is no false opinion or reasons about this page.

However, there are a few reasons to support his opinion, so if there are more information to support his opinion, the article would change to an attractive one.


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